महात्मा गांधी चित्रकूट ग्रामोदय विश्वविद्यालय, चित्रकूट सतना
मुख्यमंत्री सामुदायिक नेतृत्व क्षमता विकास कार्यक्रम
म.प्र. जन अभियान परिषद् के सहयोग से संचालित
Instructions for Sign In
A. To log into the system, enter your login ID in Username and login password in Password fields then Click on "Login" button.
B. You will be prompted with error message when:
1. Username is blank
2. Password is blank
3. Incorrect user ID or password
4. Incorrect captcha
C. You will be directed to the student dashboard page once you have successfully logged into the system.
D. If you not have student login account you can click on [Create New Account] button
E. If you forgot student login account password you can click on [Forgot Password] button.
Sign In
Create New Account
password case-sensitive
Type the characters you see in the picture below
Forgot password?