Instructions for Registration

  • A. Password Policy:- Password must be a combination of atleast one
  • 1. Upper Case Letters (A – Z),
  • 2. Lower Case Letters (a – z),
  • 3. One Numeric (0 – 9),
  • 4. One Non-Alphanumeric Symbol (e.g. ‘!@#$%^&*?_~’) and
  • 5. Length must be min. 7 and max 50
  • B. Kindly use your valid Email-ID/ Mobile No to create a new account to avail the services.
  • C. You can only create one account with unique email ID and mobile number.
  • D. Your user name and password would be send to you by mail also display on screen after successful registration.
  • E. Please note down user name and password for further process.